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February Newsletter

February Guest Speaker

Elizabeth Barnes from The Children’s Reading Foundation joined us for our February membership to discuss the importance of reading with your child in the early stages of childhood to aid in their development and to prepare them for school. The Children’s Reading Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that every child learns to read early and well. To do this, they have developed programs that encourage and educate families, support schools, and facilitate community involvement. To learn more, visit their website:


• First Young Professional to bring in a new member wins a Costco size bag of Peanut Butter M&Ms!



• DVSBF: On February 1st we completed our first project by applying a fresh coat of paint at the Domestic Violence Services of Benton and Franklin Counties Kennewick office.


• SOS: Save Old Spectacles is a drive to collect used glasses that will be refurbished and given to those who cannot afford to visit the eye doctor. A donation box is available at every Membership Meeting.

• Eastgate Elementary: We have recently partnered with Eastgate Elementary to participate with several of their programs including Bite to Go, Mentoring, and Lunch Buddies.

• DVSBF: This spring we plan to partner with DVSBF again to refurbish the fence at their local shelter.

• Best in Show: This is a dog show fundraising event we are currently planning. Funds raised from this event will be given to the project or organization of our choice.

Contact us to volunteer for any of our upcoming and current projects. You can also attend our monthly Open Board Meetings to help plan projects, or give your input for project ideas, fundraising opportunities or organizations you think Kiwanis Young Professionals can help.

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